It is expected that all pupils will wear school colours every day.
At St Martin’s CE Primary School we have a school dress code. This code of acceptable dress is called our “School Colours”.
For every activity we do it is important that we dress appropriately, are smart but comfortable and show positively that we belong to the school.
Smart appearance helps to set the high standards, which we hope all children will achieve.
It is requested that parents provide their children with suitable clothes for school, which adhere to the school dress code and are in school colours.
School Uniform
The school colours are royal blue, grey, black and white
School wear for all pupils:
- Shirt/jumper – Plain royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, worn over a white, grey or royal blue shirt
- Grey or black trousers or shorts or skirt
- Plain black suitable footwear.
(In summer parents may prefer girls to wear blue and white striped or gingham dresses.)
Please note that in summer months, girls should wear sandals that are secure and will not easily come off in the playground.
All items of uniform should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
School Uniform Supplier
School uniform can be purchased from My Clothing and also a local supplier. Please click on the links below for further information:
St Martin's Primary School – My Clothing
My Clothing Flyer
PE kit
School colours are still expected on PE days:
- Plain black P.E. shorts or tracksuit bottoms
- A plain white short sleeved top.
- Plimsolls or trainers
- A school jumper
Children will wear their PE kits to school on their PE days.
For health and safety reasons jewellery should not be worn at school with the exception of small ‘stud’ style earrings and watches for pupils who wish to wear them.
Swimming Kit
Some KS2 classes will need kit for swimming during the year. Swimming kit includes a costume, towel, goggles and swimming hat, where appropriate.
All items should be contained in a clearly named bag. Swimming kit should be brought to school on swimming days and be taken home, to be laundered, on the same day.