Curriculum Information
We have worked hard to make sure our school curriculum is rigourous, ambitious and appropriately challenging. We want it to open doors for our pupils in terms of opportunities and mindset.
Below, you can find information on our curriculum and each of the subjects within it. If you would like to know more, please contact the school office and the subject or curriculum lead will arrange a discussion with you.
Click below for information on each of our subjects including the vision for that subject, what is covered in each year group and how knowledge and skills progress across year groups.
Assessment is a crucial part of teaching and learning. We ensure that we know what the children have understood and remembered so that we can adjust our planning and teaching accordingly. This results in greater retention of taught material. For further information on how we assess, see our assessment policy below.
Age-Related Expectations
Below are links to support you with knowing what your child needs to be able to do to meet the age-related expectations. There are national frameworks at the end of Key Stage 1 (year 2) and Key Stage 2 (year 6) which are useful indicators of some of the key skills your child should have.
We have also provided a number of maths resources for each age which give visual representations of some of the concepts they should know and will provide good practise prompts to check their understanding.
Please click on the relevant age group for more information.
National Curriculum
St Martin's follows the National Curriculum. This provides the guidance about the content to be covered in each subject area. To view the National Curriculum, click below.
Remote Learning
If school is closed for any reason e.g. snow, flood, no heating, the following will apply.
Day 1 - parents to use pre-existing links to Numbots, TTRockstars, Oak Academy resources
Day 2 - the teacher will spend links to specific work to be completed via Class Dojo
Day 3 - Live teaching will begin on Microsoft Teams
Should school need to close for a longer amount of time, live teaching on teams will continue, with specific tasks being set to be inline with a 'normal' school day of around 4 hours of teaching.