Medical Care
Our teachers are trained every year about asthma.
Information about any children with asthma is recorded and in the Asthma File in school.
Key Stage 1 Inhalers are kept in the classroom and are used with the help of the class teacher, or at dinnertime by a Midday Supervisor.
Key Stage 2 Children look after their own inhalers and, if needed in lesson time, take them with the help of the class teacher. Out of lesson time, we can look after our own inhalers and take them with the help of the duty teacher/supervisor.
Please ask for our Asthma Policy for further details
If children are ill during the school day they are taken to see the School Secretary or Administration Officer. They sometimes see the Head or the Deputy. If children need to go home, school staff will contact parents/carers to collect them.
There are always first aid and paediatric trained staff in school.
Medicines in School
Children are allowed to bring their asthma inhalers. No other medicines or tablets should be in school for them. The school has no where to store lots of medicines safely, and staff are not allowed to give children medicines without a special plan discussed and signed.
Any parent who has a particular difficulty in this respect should discuss the matter with the Headteacher.
Where a pupil has a diagnosed special medical condition a School Health Care Plan should be formulated and agreed between the parent, the child's doctor and/or the school health team and the school