Accidents / Injuries / Illness / First Aid
Accidents & Injuries
Minor injuries will be dealt with by the supervising teacher. If there are any doubts as to the seriousness of an injury, a qualified first-aider will then be consulted.
If the injury proves to be serious or if there are any further doubts, the Head or Deputy Head will be notified.
They, or the school office, will then inform parents and take whatever action is necessary.
School will notify parents/carers of all head injuries (including minor bumps) using the standard letter and by telephone if there is concern.
The class teacher will notify parents personally about any incident directly at the end of the school day.
Any parents with a child in need of special treatment should discuss this in full with the class teacher and a senior member of staff so that a clear treatment plan is agreed.
Since asthma is such a common place condition, it is important to be specifically aware of its management. Please note that any pupil with Asthma on their medical form, who is in school without an inhaler will be sent home if parents cannot send one in immediately.
It is parent/carer responsibility to check the expiry dates of inhalers.
If children are taken ill during the school day they should be referred to the Head or Deputy Head, usually via the School Office. The office will contact parents/carers if they feel a child needs to be collected and taken home.
Medicines in School
With the exception of asthma treatment and Epi Pen use, medicines or tablets should not be administered in school.
The school has no facility for the safe storage of medicines and staff are not allowed to administer medicines.
Any parent who has a particular difficulty in this respect should discuss the matter with the Headteacher.
If any type of paracetamol is required for headache/migraine/menstrual pain etc, it needs to be given to the pupil by the parent.
Where a pupil has a diagnosed special medical condition a School Health Care Plan should be formulated and agreed between the parent, the child’s doctor and/or the school health team and the school.