Key Stage 2 (KS2)
Age-Related Expectations End of Key Stage 2
The link below will take you to the teacher frameworks that are used when assessing your child at the end of Key Stage 2 (end of year 6). The document contains frameworks for reading, writing and maths. To be at the age-related standard, your child should be able to do all the things in the 'Working at the expected standard' box by the end of year 6.
Reading and maths are assessed as a test (SATs). Writing is a teacher assessment based on the writing completed across the year.
Please note that these frameworks are based upon a sample of what has been taught across the key stage and do not cover everything, but they are used as a representative sample of key material. Link below:
Below you will find resources that you can use to work with your child on a range of mathematical topics. The resources will also help to show what level your child should be working at for their age.