EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
Parent Guide to EYFS
Phonics and Early Reading
At St Martins, we follow Little Wandle to support our early reading across the whole school. Little Wandle is a synthetic, systematic phonic scheme that builds upon children's prior learning. Please click the below links to see a parent overview from Little Wandle, as well as a link to look at the parent page.
Our guided reading sessions all follow Little Wandle guidance. We will send books home on a Friday. These will be books children have read in school Monday-Friday of that week, and will contain only taught sounds and tricky words. We recommend reading with your child daily to help build up fluency. A reading diary is sent home for parents to record in.
Communication and Language
Communication and language is one of the three prime areas within the EYFS. Each prime area is divided into early learning goals, for communication and language these are:
- Listening, attention and understanding
Children at the expected level of development will:
- Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole class discussions and small group interactions;
- Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding;
- Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher and peers.
- Speaking
Children at the expected level of development will:
- Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary;
- Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate;
- Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher.
If you are struggling to support your child's early language development, take a look at the Sandwell Keep Talking Page below for advice, support and services available.
Parental Engagement
Throughout the year we will be offering a range of parent workshops and opportunities for you to come in and explore your child's learning.
These may include play and stay sessions, assemblies or workshops focussing on specific areas of learning such as phonics or early maths. Keep an eye out on newsletters and letters for upcoming dates.
What do we offer?
Here at St Martin's C of E Primary school we have a range of EYFS spaces available.
- AM sessions
- PM sessions
- All day sessions
- Full time
Spaces are limited. If you are interested in a place within our EYFS please contact admissions.