Assemblies and collective worship
St Martin’s Primary School accepts the Policy on Collective Worship recommended by The Sandwell Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and detailed in Circular 14/1998. The school will also take into account any guidelines issued by the Diocese of Lichfield.
School assemblies are an important part of the school day and fulfill a variety of needs, including the fostering of personal, social, moral and community values as well as statutory requirements.
We use a tailored version of the Roots and Fruits programme for Monday worship, a selection of diverse significant people and sigificant days for Tuesdays, alternate between singing and Open the Book (religious stories acted out) on Wednesdays, Picture News linked to British Values on Thursdays, and praise on Fridays. The assemblies are aligned with our FRESH Christian values.
The school is a voluntary Controlled Church of England School and seeks to educate its pupils in all aspects of the Christian religion whist recognizing the other major religions practiced by the families of pupils. An awareness of all these things is taught through the medium of assemblies.
Assemblies are also an important time in the life of the school as a community, when worthwhile things can be shared and congratulation given to pupils for achievement either individually or collectively.
In order to effectively cater for the needs of the different age groups within the school, there are a range of assembly meetings throughout the week.
We are very proud that our school is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School and seeks to educate pupils in all aspects of the Christian religion whilst valuing the many other religions and cultures represented within our school and local community.
Our school assemblies and worship times are an important part of each school day, enabling the school community to gather together for reflection and celebration.