St Martin's Super 7
Our Super 7 are the character strengths which we hope to instil in our children. They are the characteristics which will help them to grow and succeed as they move through St Martin's and beyond.
They were chosen by staff, who felt that they were the areas that would benefit our children most. We will show the children what these characteristics look like through stories, curriculum subjects such as history, science and R.E and through special events and visitors.
We will also teach the Super 7 through our Inspirational Individuals and Careers focus days.
Inspirational Individuals
As a staff we have chosen well-known people whose life stories and achievements will teach the children about how the Super 7 have been needed to succeed and achieve in real life.
We have worked hard to choose people who represent a diverse range of characteristics e.g. gender, age, race, religion, disability, locality and area of expertise. We have sports people, artists, scientists, activists to show how the Super 7 is needed in all walks of life.
We have also been mindful to include a local hero for each year group, Lenny Henry, The Three Degrees (WBA) and Blind Dave will feature this year. Please see the grid below for who we have chosen for this year for each year group.
Each will spend a day every term learning about our Inspirational Person